Thursday, August 14, 2003

All right, I said I would be back, and I am! It's been a strange day! I rushed around this morning, focused on getting all set up to drink my six bottles of water and then left forgetting I needed to pack something to EAT! Duh! I have no cash with me, so I was sitting here fretting about not having anything to eat but read to drink shakes and energy bars when I remembered that I deliberately only ate 1/2 of my sandwich on Tuesday and the rest was still in the fridge. So, I had lunch! So, here are my notes and thoughts on George Leonard's Book called "Mastery, The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment". For anyone looking at long-term goals it a great book to read. Basically, here's how I've applied his thoughts to my goal of weight loss and fitness.

Key 1: Instruction

I suppose a great deal of the blame for my failure to achieve "mastery" of my weight loss and fitness goals has been my lack of choosing an Instructor. Sure, I'll choose one for a while, but it usually doesn't last, and before long, I've moved on to some other method or teacher. Of course, there is a time and a place to move on, but I know I never have REALLY made a commitment. I'm not sure if I should decide now, how long to give this (BFL) to work, or wait. For now, I suppose it's enough that I've committed 12 weeks.

Key 2: Practice

At first, I thought this didn't apply. But then, I realized, at least in the realm of exercise or fitness, there is a time for practice. Then it came to me that in diet too there is practice. It just happens to be on that occurs every day. Sometimes every minute of every day. The key is, as they say, "Staying on the Path". "To practice regularly, even when you seem to be getting no where."

Key 3: Surrender

This was easy for me to spot as a problem area for me. Even when choosing a plan, I was constantly making my own modifications to it. I'm still doing that. Instead of accepting the teacher’s plan, I choose the parts I like and ignore the rest. There will be a time and place for that, but, for now, I'll cease to be "Player of all, Master of none"

Key 4: Internationality

Much of this is - practicing with purpose, but also there was a great deal here that has to do with visualization. Visualization is something I may currently have a problem with. Sure I can see myself exercising, eating correctly, and even running effortlessly, but I cannot, yet, visualize myself as thin toned, and in shape. I'm not even sure how to start. I can't remember ever feeling proud of my body, so I don't even have memories to go on. I'll continue to visualize what I can, and maybe the rest will come to me. It's something to research at the very least.

Key 5: The Edge

I'm not even close to looking over the edge... It may be years before I am... and I'm happy that way, for now.

There was so much more to this book that was both useful and insightful. Perhaps tomorrow I'll put in my notes about resistance to change.

On a less mental note :) I'm still at 196. Feeling mentally like PMS is starting it's strangle hold on my emotions and will power. I WILL work through this. I
WILL not let these dark thoughts keep me from achieving my goals, and if I slip, I'll get back on the path and continue my journey.

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