Friday, June 01, 2007

Slightly Larger Update

Ok – here we go!

Honestly, I’m not really sure where to start. I guess you don’t need to know every up and down over the past few months but let me just summarize by saying.. it’s been busy ;) Clean up after my father-in-law passed away was a little messier then we expected. Work has been busy busy busy busy, and life in general a little overwhelming at times.

But – this is a blog about my weightloss journey so I’ll focus on that because honestly – life happens. It always does and it’s how I handle the ups as well as the downs that’s going to make a difference in my lifelong goals – not WHAT those ups and downs actually are.

So, as many of you know, I’ve struggled with food for a long time now. I have been overweight my entire adult life and then some. Not long ago it became apparent to me that what ‘diet’ I was on wasn’t going to make much of a difference for me. I had to change my mind to change my body. I did a great deal of that last year. Dave and the Leanness Lifestyle taught me so much! But – I started listening to my ‘feast beast’ let him talk me into the ‘just one won’t hurt’ mentality. Of course I quickly fell into old habits. I felt so helpless, hopeless and out of control. I would pull myself together for a day or two and then slide right back again. While eating too much food doesn’t have the same effect on your body as drinking too much alcohol I’m guessing that the bad feeling of not being the boss of your own actions is very similar. In the end I gained back 15 lbs.

Step by step though, I drug myself back to the right frame of mind. Rather then give up I searched for even more tools to add to my arsenal. Adding to everything Leanness lifestyle taught me as well as other plans/diets I have been on I’ve dropped 10 of the 15 lbs I gained. And it feels GOOD. And mentally - I'm on fire!

So – I’m back and frankly really excited to share some new ‘stuff’ I’ve learned and have been doing. Learning to change my mindset about food… I haven’t ‘made it’ but I would still like to pass some of this on to other people. I’ve been working with one of the people I work with and he’s lost 15 lbs! So I know these tools can help more then just me

So I have a proposal. I would like some of you (and heck invite some friends) to take a little journey with me. I know, I know the last thing you probably need is yet another challenge and another web site to log into, but 1-you would be doing me a HUGE favor and 2-You might gain some new skills/tools to use in your transformation journey as well! The website is

If you want to join please sign up – I want to ‘start’ June 8th (Start on a Friday!? – yep)

I’m not going to write diet plans, or workouts. What I will be doing is posting challenges, lessons and tips and asking you to follow along and give feedback. The website will give you a place to write a diet journal, post in a forum and even set up a gallery if you like. As part of the challenge I’m asking that you participate by answering the challenges and lessons in the provided Blog – otherwise, no other site participation is required.

Think about it – ask me questions if you like – log in and just follow along if you dare ;)