Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Just when I think I'm making no impact on my children...

I've been really worried about my oldest daughter. She's nearly 18 and over the past few years has gone from a size 8 to a size 14. Her current 160 lbs doesn't flatter her petite 5'2" frame. Although I worry I do my best not to say anything. My harping about her weight isn't going to win me any frieds and I certainly don't want to add to any poor body image issues she might have. The most I've done is say something when the outfit she was wearing was WAY too tight. The other thing I said was, "If you ever deside you want to lose weight, PLEASE come to me first!"

When she started school this year I think she was suprised to find out none of her clothes fit. She finally picked up the first diet book I wanted her to read called "The Habits of Thin People" (or something like that *grin*). She read it and I feel got a lot out of it. Within a few months she had dropped a pant size.

Yesterday, however, she picked up my new "Eating for Life" book. Being a foody (like me) she loves cookbooks (like me). She started thumbing through the book and commenting on how good everything looked. She then started reading the front of the book. Still, you could have knocked me over with a feather when she came into me and asked. "So a portion of meat is this size?" pointing to her palm "and a portion of carbs is this size?"

I happily said, "Yes!"

Later she asked if she could make one of the recipes out of the book for her lunch and I happily agreed. What suprised me even more was when she approached me before dinner and said, I started to snack but stopped.

I just had to say YAY! I think my patients is finally starting to pay off! Not that I want her to be food/weight obsessed but I also dón't want her thinking she can eat like her father and not LOOK like her father (ewww).

As for me? I had yesterday and today off work. I had good intentions to workout at home yesterday but it didn't happen. I ate pretty good cosidering I was home all day. But I did have a few of the Sugar cookies I had made. I'm not beating myself up over it. I'm enjoying the time with my kids.

Yes I mean everything I said over my past few posts about being dedicated about reaching my goals etc. I'm even more determined now then ever because it seems that yes, my children ARE paying attention. But I also know that my time with them is short and I want to make the most of it while I can.

I'm going to do an arm workout later today and I'll hit the treadmill too. I don't expect my diet will be 100% clean. There's cookies to frost and fudge to make. But I'm going to moderate myself and eat clean balanced meals otherwise.

I hope you all are ejoying yourselves too!


Irene said...

Just when you think nothing is sinking in, they'll go and say or do something that makes you realize that you reall do have an impact! That's so cool!


Christie said...

Hey girl, I think you are an awesome mom...I had friends that really had nightmare moms, constant monitoring of their food, etc...they just got worse, you are doing the best thing, "do as I do..." way to go!

Pamela said...

way to go Shawn !! you are truly a shining example!
I have the same worries some times especially since my daughter like yours is a "foody" like us!! ;)

..this would be the girl that put down a Purdy's cholate tester as here "ultimate" dream job!

take care
& enjoy your time with them :)


Wolfie said...

I'm so glad to hear that your daughter has taken up an interest! My daughter has been struggling for some time now, and is really trying to stick with it, but the weight is just not dropping. Making her own decision to do something about it is the best thing! You're doing great Shawn!

Lady Sue said...

See what happens when you leave stuff laying around? LOL! Good for you for holding your tongue and not saying anything to her until she is ready to hear it...this doesn't mean that you won't worry about her but your actions will tell her more than words ever will. She will be able to tell how much happier & how much better you feel as you lose your weight and she will see that anything is possible if you eat right & exercise... As we all know Being Heavy is not fun!!
Keep up the good work