Wednesday, December 07, 2005

And now for my report.

I knew getting all my food in yesterday would NOT be a problem. I was not wrong. I was STARVING. So, total calories 2182 25%Fat/43%Carb/29%Protien

The ratios aren’t perfect but I feel like just tracking has been a big step for me so I’m happy with them.

Even with the additional food I had trouble getting up this morning – but I managed :) There was no way I was going to miss two days in a row.

It was leg and arm day (according to my trainer) so I hit the gym raring to go.

After warming up with a few ‘light’ squats I got started.

Squats (plus bar): 90 x 10 / 140 x 10 / 140 x 10

Then it was off to the leg press machine. BTW does anyone know what the ‘sled’ weighs on this thing? Anyway I added a little extra weight this time – it felt so good.

Leg Press: 540 x 10 / 540 x 10 / 540 x 10

My goal on this is to do 700…

Then I did a little arms:

Alt Dumbbell Curl: 25 x 10 / 25 x 10
Triceps Cable Push Downs: 100 x 10 / 100 x 10

And that was that.

After these two weeks ‘off’ I’m really ready to start hitting the weight everyday again – though I think I’m going to keep the reps in the 8 to 10 range for at least four weeks. I know I probably need to choose a few ‘different’ exercises so that’s my goal to accomplish before next Monday.

And, of course, I’m going to continue to keep a close eye on the food. Goal for today is 2000 – 2200.

Other then that, nothing much to report. I’m still trying to focus on doing the right thing each day. Daily goals are still about all I can handle.

Thanks to everyone for your support and suggestions. My head is up, my eyes are forward if I keep putting one foot in front of the other, eventually I’ll reach my destination.

Oh, and Jess – thank you thank you thank you for suggesting “FireFox” I installed it yesterday and started loading blogs using it - Most blogs, when loaded into firefox have a special orange icon on the far right of the address. When you click that it saves the link as a “live link” it makes it a snap to see when someone’s blog has been updated! Since I’ve currently got about 145 blogs booked marked being able to quickly see which have been updated is going to save me HOURS!

I’m a happy camper!

1 comment:

KatieFeldmom said...

Regarding Firefox: Thanks for posting that information. I've always wondered if there was something out there like that, and thanks to you, I've found it.
