Monday, November 07, 2005

I'm bored - so I'm browsing. I found this and it CRACKED ME UP!

To the people at my gym

some of those folks got to MY gym, I swear.


PartTimeMom said...

Good to see you as well.

Sure add away.

PartTimeMom said...

We have a girl who likes to stretch out in the locker room in front of the 'primping' mirror. I'm like "Move your ass I'm trying to dry my hair here!" Hello - there's an entire gym out there you can do that in.

And the snot blower - at my gym it's a woman and she does it while on the stairmaster - It's SO GROSS.

Melissa said...

That was hilarious!! I swear every single gym out there has the Skinny Old Guy! lol Very funny....

PartTimeMom said...

We have a skinny old guy at our gym. He's SCARY because he's ALWAYS lifting more weight then he should.

carolakabb said...

I am falling over myself laughing! Am going to direct more people to that link...! It's too good not to share!!!!

PartTimeMom said...

big mama - sounds like me - with my heavy weights, 6 reps and 2 minute rests. But I don't read the paper - I flirt with my fiance between sets.

PartTimeMom said...

hahaha - nope didn't offend me at all. Just wonder sometimes how _I_ come off to other people at the gym. :)

havlow said...

I'm still crying from this...what a wonderful gem lol!!