So I weighed in today - 188.5 a bit improvement over yesterday! that gives me a three week goal of 183.5. Very doable. I'm toying with not weighing in again until the three weeks are up - One part of my mind says it will keep me from back sliding if I have one really good week. the other part of my mind says it would be really easy to let things slide without the scale factor to egg me on. I'm still out there on this one...
Had a clean day today - eating right where i want it to be with no indescretions. I had to work late AGAIN and this time didn't get home until after 8:00 so.. considering that and the fact that I've excercised four straight days in a row I've decided to NOT workout tonight :) No excuses - it's an executive decision.
Thanks so much for the comments. Knowing folks are watching here makes me more apt to post, and knowing I'm expected to post makes me want to do better throughout the day so I don't have to come here and confess my caramel shake!
Well, I was 166 yesterday, 6 lbs higher than a couple weeks ago, YIKES! I'll stick with you on the little goals! I'm starting my own personal body fat reduction challenge on Monday. I'm going to weigh and measure every 2 weeks. I'm tired of the blubber layer hiding my muscles!
166! *sigh* I haven't weighed that since I graduated high school!
I hear ya on the fat covering muscle thing. I happen to KNOW I'm a really muscular gal. My problem is, the fat layer on top of it just makes me look like I have MORE fat instead of looking fit and toned. I've got to get rid of these layers!
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