Monday, June 28, 2004

One day at a time folks. That's where were at here in geekland. One day at a time. So far today I've been really good. I'm in detox. Going 'induction phase' ah la 'atkins' so that I can stablize my blood sugar and hopefully bash these cravings out of the way. So far, it's been a sucess. Weight was back up to 192 this morning, so I'm back to square one, but it's not like I was being 'good' enough to expect progress. There are a few things I want to do tonight. 1) reread my book on mastery. I need to wrap my head around some of the concepts in that book again. 2) take pictures. I've been avoiding looking, and I mean LOOKING at the damage I've been doing. Hopefully this will do much to motivate me in the days to come. 3) Do weight training. I haven't picked up a weight in months. I need it, for my mental as well as physical health.

I need to take my health back. I need to focus. I need to stop thinking that I can just do it 'tomorrow'. Change can and will happen today.

I was the poster child for progress last year. I've been the poster child for mediocracy since then. Enough is Enough.

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