Thursday, September 25, 2003

I'm feeling better. Perhaps not 100% but not what I would describe as 'bad'. I wore one of my favorite suits to work today. Once I haven't fit into since December... I'm feeling rather 'spiffy'. Nothing like a 'Short Skit and an LONG Jacket' to make a girl feel sexy. *grin*

I'm looking forward to my Upper body workout tonight. UBWO night is my favorite. I think because I love bicep curls. I like being able to watch the muscles work. Perhaps I need to get a mirror, I'm becoming rather narcisistic!

Couple of things I was thinking about this morning... (Yes I'm a rather intraspective person)

Does it ever get easier? Is there ever a time when you don't have to track every morsel food? Is there a moment in time when this becomes ingrained, and not something you have to think about constantly?

The other thing I've realized is that I need to get off the scale. I'm so stinking adicted to the thing. So, I'm going to finish off this week.. weigh in Monday, and then not weigh in again until October 27th. That will be the end of my First "official" BFL challenge and 8 weeks into the Body blast. After that, I won't weigh in again until the end of the challenge. I'll only be guaging my progress by clean eats, and workout effort. Things I can control! (My goodness what will I have to obsess over now!?)

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