Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I just got back from the gym - it was AWSOME!

One nice thing about my new position is that one day a week I can work from home. Today was one of those days. What's been bad about it in the past is that when I work from home it changes my routine and I miss going to the gym on the way to work. Today however - I changed that pattern. This afternoon I got my stuff together and headed toward the 'other' gym. This ones a little closer to my house but in the opposite direction from work so I don't get to go there very often. The fun thing about this gym is that it has a pool!

So I headed out to the gym with the reward of getting to hit the pool at the top of my mind.

First through, I needed to do back and abs:

Lat Pulldowns:

110 x 6
110 x 6
110 x 6

Close Grip Pulldowns:

110 x 6
120 x 6

Cable Rows:

120 x 6
120 x 6

Dumbbell Rows:
40 x 6
40 x 6

Leg lifts:


Cable Crunches:

150 x 20
150 x 20
150 x 20

Then the reward! Swimming! I did 50 minutes of laps. One lap (back and forth) of the crawl, back stroke, breast stroke, and then side stroke.. then I would start over again. I did 12 of these 'sets' it was fantastic. I actually had to FORCE myself to stop in the end! I didn't want to get out of the pool but my arms and legs were like lead and I kept breathing water because I was too tired to lift my head all the way out of the water.

And now? I feel FANTASTIC!!

Food for the day has been PERFECT! I can't wait to see what the scale says tomorrow morning.

1 comment:

Pamela said...

Guns comming there Girl!!! :D
So cool to "hear you so "on" your game right now!!! very exciting that you get a day to work from home now.. I wish ..but that would mena bringing my pts home..ahhh nevermind! ~lol
Keep it up!

Btw funny you should metion your other blog.. i wandered over there last night & saw you'd last wrote in figured you'd just let it lapse