Monday, April 13, 2009

Long overdue Update


Now that the fundraising is pretty much over (although you can still donate through the end of this month)I want to get back into the habit of posting here.

I finished my traiathlon! you can see the race report at

I'm still training - I've a few other triathlons lined up for the summer and I'm really excited about them now that I have this one under my belt.

But the big deal here - on this blog is about losing weight... wanna know how I did with that?

Well, as of right now I'm down to 228.8!

last week I hit the gym and did resistance training all five days!

I also got in two runs, two bike rides and went hiking for 3+ miles on Saturday.

Life is feeling really good right now.

My weigh in day is Saturday and I was 230.2 on 4/11

This week plan is:

5 days of weight training
3 days of running
3 days of swimming
3 days of biking

this morning was chest and MAN have I lost a lot of strength :( I only hope it'll come back fast

Incline Bench Press: 3 x (95 x 10)
Flat Bench Press: 3 x (95 x 10)
Decline Bench Press: 3 x (85 x 10)

after that I jumped on the treadmill and did interval training

Basically I warm-up at 3 MPR for two minutes then bump it up .2 MPR each minute until 5 MPR, run at 5 MPR for 2 minutes and then drop back to 3.2 and start up again. I did that until I hit 2 miles (30:11)

I was hoping to get a swim in today as well but that doesn't look like it's going to happen so it'll have to wait until tomorrow.

Food is 100% on plan today and I see no reason for it not to stay that way!

Oh yeah - almost forgot: Goal for Saturday is 227.8!

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