Monday, February 09, 2004

I guess I’ll start at the beginning…

Friday I got off early, but was busy getting the house, cat and car ready for the weekend. No rest for the wicked – we finally were ready to leave at about 7:30pm. No workout :( We stopped at the store and I picked up some ‘authorized’ snacks because I knew we would be on the road for a while and I figured I would need to eat at least one more meal before we got there. I have one question though, what is it about driving for long distances that turns me into a ‘munchie monster’? Still I kept it authorized and other then the missed workout counted it as a successful day. We got in to Nigel’s parents house at about 3:00am, we dropped off right to sleep. I didn’t get up in time to do more then get ready and eat before we were off to the orchid show. So I missed my run. We had some trouble finding things we could eat in his parents refrigerator so we stopped at the store and picked up some supplies. Nigel’s dad cornered me at one point to ask why Nigel was on a diet… I didn’t really know what to say. We did really good on each of our plans until about 3:00pm. We were tired hungry and dropped into a restaurant with less then ideal choices – that’s when the dam broke! The rest of the weekend was a feeding frenzy! One interesting tid-bit is when we went to Chinese later that night I broke open my fortune and it said, “Work on Improving your Exercise Routine”. I kid you not! The culmination of the weekend was a Oreo Cookie Shake for me last night. MAN did I pay for it! I had a tummy ache for the rest of the evening.

I work up this morning with what I suspect was a sugar hang over and/or the rest of my allergic reaction to the dairy. My nose was stuffed up, I felt like I was going to hurl and I could hardly walk across the room I was so dizzy! No more milkshakes for me! I’ve gradually felt better as the day has worn on, thank goodness.

I did go shopping this afternoon. I picked up my second pair of size 12 pants!! And (TMI alert) a new bra in a smaller size! The pants are a little tight but wearable and another goal for me to shoot for (them fitting properly).

Another note regarding this weekend: I came home to FINALLY find my EAS packet in the mail… too late for me to send in my four-week progress photos! So, today I called EAS and asked them what to do. The guy was nice and informed me that I should simply take pictures now and indicate on the packet how long of time it was… Then send in my 12-week pictures at the correct time. Not receiving my EAS packet was one of the things that prompted me to restart my challenge – now I find out that I can still go with my original start date! And I will – I want this to be a year of transformation for me, and while January wasn’t stellar for me it was still part of this year, and part of this transformation. This means that I don’t miss the first round! Yay! So tonight, I’ll be taking my photos with the ‘regular’ camera and tomorrow I’ll be getting them developed. If all goes well I’ll have my four week pictures into EAS by tomorrow afternoon! So, that leaves me 7 weeks to finish my first round ‘transformation’. Put your tray tables and seat backs in the upright position and fasten your seatbelts – it’s going to be a bumpy ride!

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