Monday, January 06, 2003

Today's the day! I really wonder about myself sometimes, as yesterday I was already ready to quit, and I hadn't even started yet! But, I pushed on, got my shopping done, and pictures taken and so far, I've been on track. I was a little discouraged because I havn't gotten my gym membership straightened out yet, but I set up my total gym before going to bed last night and made it work for my workout this morning. Because I'm so terribly out of shape I desided to go easy at first, so instead of doing the full five sets I only did four, and I didn't increment my weights because it's very cumbersome to do on the total gym. I'm a little dissapointed that I'm not doing the whole program (My all or nothing attitude raising it's head) but this is better then doing nothing. I have to admit my pictures last night were VERY inspirational. There is no way I can look at those and NOT do SOMETHING! I know I'm 50 lbs overweight, but I rarely see it. The pictures really opened my eyes! All my planning is paying off though, as today's meals are all in place, and I've got three meals sitting in my lunch bag ready for later. I think I might have eaten too much at breakfast, but I guess I'll see how things go. I am a little bummed because Ieft my water bottle at home, but luckily we've got a soda machine here that has water in it, so I'll be able to improvise. It's almost time for my second meal!

Weight today - 186

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