Wednesday, January 29, 2003

I just have to say that my Fiance is the best! I talked to him today about my frustration with my motivation and he immediatly stepped up to the challenge. We're working right now to come up with some goals and rewards and we're going to keep each other on track. I don't know what I would do without him! I've also desided that one of my goals each day is going to be to read something inspirational, or motivational - it doesn't have to be wieght related, but I've found that reading the success stories on the various web sites has done much to lift my spirts and renew my 'can do' attitude. AND - I've been a good girl food wise today. It's 4:00pm and I'm still feeling pretty energized.

I'm working on my first bottle of water, have journaled all my food, and have a date with my DF (Darling Fiance) at the gym tonight, so I'm looking forward to having a 5 star day! Umm.. or maybe I need to come up with some sort of raiting system. Let me think about this. Here are areas where I can struggle or do well...

- journal
- nutrition
- Weight training
- Marathon Training
- Stretching
- Journal
- 62 oz of water
- Less then 62oz of Diet Soda
- Journal
- Motivational Reading
- 8 hours of sleep
- Vitamins

So that's 5 areas At the begining of each day I'm going to evaluate the day before and give each day a number of stars - So far today

I've got 1 Star for food as I've been journaling and eating nutritionally sound
-- a 0 for exercise, but I've got a plan in place to make that a 1 as well
-- a .5 for Hydration as I've only had 52 oz of soda, and I'm on my way to another .5 as I guzzle my water
-- Attitude is a a slam dunk for a one because I've done nothing but journal and look for motivation today
-- Energy, well I have a .5 there as I took my Vitamins, and hopefully I'll get 8 hours of sleep tonight.

I think I like this!

Oh, and I can already tell I'm eating better today. I feel lighter, and just.. BETTER already.

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