Thursday, August 03, 2006

Leg day and more

Originally uploaded by Part Time Mom.
All's well here.. Made it to the gym last night - FINALLY. Haven't had a good week so far workout wise. Even last night I felt really worn out.. but did what I needed to so anyway...

Last night's workout was shoulders and calves:

Seated Calf Raises: 180 x 7 x 4
Standing Calf Raises: 235 x 7 x 4

Barbell Shoulder Press: 105 x 7 x 4
Lat Raise (Machine): 65 x 7 x 4

Then I went and swam for 20 minutes

This morning we managed to drag ourselves out of bed and make it to the gym early. It was leg day - whoo hoo!

After warming up

Leg Press: 510 x 7 x 4
Squats: 180 x 7 x 4
Leg Curls: 145 x 7 x 4
Straight Legged Dead Lift: 115 x 7 x 4

I'll be doing so cardio tonight so all is good.

Weight is holding steady at the moment in the 181 range. I'm still ahead of schedule so I'm not too concerned.

I've been doing Excellent on my nutrition - but it hasn't been easy. Lately when I go to the store I feel like I'm walking through one of those 'house of horrors' at the carnival. Every time I turn a corner I brace myself for facing SOMETHING that I know I'm going to want. Frozen Pizza, Chocolate, Ice Cream, Bread in obcene quantities. But I've been good - I know if I don't buy it I can't eat it so I just hurry past those aisles and head to the fresh produce. Even so sometimes the power in the 'dark side' feels very strong ;)

I know this is one of those 'bad weeks' for me. wierdness in my hormones makes me 'blue' this week and when I'm 'blue' I have the urge to comfort myself with food. Not going to do it though - I'm finding my comfort in good food and excercise.


KatieFeldmom said...

Your workouts amaze me!!!!

Congrats on having a plan to deal with the blues. Sometimes that's the hardest part. Thinking good thoughts that your blues go away soon.

Julie said...

Way to keep strong in the face of temptation! The grocery store can be tough with all of those yummy looking, yet terribly unhealthy goodies...