Tuesday, April 11, 2006

So, I basically had a bad night last night. When I got to bed I found I couldn’t sleep – at ALL. About 1:00AM I finally started dozing off only to discover that just as I would start to relax and drift off, I would get a tickle in my throat and need to cough. I would try not to – spend about five minutes fighting the urge so as to not wake up my fiancé only to end up having a coughing fit anyway. Eventually I left him in bed and went and slept in the living room in a chair. I was still coughing but at least I could do it without worrying about waking him up.

BUT, when the alarm went off at 4:00AM I got up and changed into gym clothes! Right now I’m running on less then 3 hours sleep but I’m managing.

It was leg day at the gym – yay!

Standing Calf raises: 6 x 195 / 6 x 195 / 6 x 195
Seated Calf raises: 6 x 135 / 6 x 135
Squats (+ bar): 6 x 140 / 6 x 140 / 6 x 140 / 6 x 140
Leg Press: 6 x 450 / 6 x 500
Straight Legged Dead Lift(+ bar): 6 x 100 / 6 x 100

A very satisfying workout!

Of my goals today – I’m only going to hit one though and that’s my food goal. That one’s NAILED.

Exercise – When I wrote my goals last night I had planned to hit yoga tonight, but after the night I had last night – I just want to go home!

Water – I gave into the caffeine urge today and ended up drinking a lot of diet pepsi – this makes it nigh on impossible to hit my water goals. I try to hot them anyway but I’m not going to engorge myself to do it.

And that’s it! Two days down and while they haven’t been perfect I’m REALLY happy with what I’ve accomplished so far. I’m not expecting tomorrow to be too hard – the real test will come around Thursday when my body realizes that I’m not kidding and I’m not going to give it anymore food. The cravings should start to hit BIG TIME then, but I’m going to be prepared. I WILL reach my goals – I’m on my way to 2 lbs this week and I’m not going to let a little thing like a piece of chocolate get in my way!(today’s weigh in was 205.8)


Shane Leighton Photography said...

Shawn, as we have both said, we have been fighting the same fitness demons for years. I have checked this blog every day the past couple months, and I am so glad you are posting again. I just updated my blogger blog a sec ago and like you, I am giving it a go again. Never quit! I know you can do this Shawn! Great work on getting your workout in on 3 hours sleep! You can do this!

Julie said...

Hope you get more sleep tonight. You should be extra proud of that workout. I would have been such a zombie if I had been in your shoes. Keep up the great work!

Pamela said...

WOW I'm impressed! On 3hrs sleep I'd be zombie ( yea ..this from the woman who can't sleep & is now up at 3AM -WTH??) NOW I'm gonna HAVE to do my workout ~lol!

I'll have to find you on MSN & let you know !

Way to go on the Food goals...BTW.. with the H2o..try it Hot just for a change.. sounds weird but just as something dif tyr it.. I've gotten to enjoy it :D