Friday, July 22, 2005

although I started a challenge 7/9, this past week has been as if I hadn't even started. Last Friday my fiance' had to fly 400 miles away for a family emergency. (Everything looks to be ok now). The stress of him being away along with the worry over his family sent me on a downward spiral. Friday I started eating and didn't quit. I calmly justified it by saying that it was my free day and moved on. Saturday I was back on track, but Sunday a trip to a buffet with the kids lead to another binge and the weeks been pretty much a yo-yo between fighting to make healthy choices and giving up and pigging out. Add to this the fact that I don't like going home to an empty house, so I go out with friends, have a drink, then another... Then come home and eat a pint of Ben and Jerry's. All this bad nutrition and lack of sleep of course leaves me too tired to even think about lifting a weight or stepping on the treadmill.
The one 'good thing' I've been trying to do for myself is to stay here, reading every post and gaining strength and inspiration from it all. Every success story I read pushes me even harder to make the choice, face the abiss and make the next choice a GOOD one.

It'll be another week before my honey comes home, but last night I took a huge step in the right direction. I went grochery shopping! $130 for one weeks worth of food for one person! Holy Tow! But my fridge and cupboard are now full of good healthy choices. Now I just need to pack it all up and bring it to work with me. (Because of my schedule I eat 5 meals away from home and only 1 there).

I'm sure that with the quality of nutrition going up that my energy levels will go up and my stress levels will go down.

I'm still struggling - but the will to fight is getting stronger. Taking it one day at a time here - and just letting you know that I appreciate everyone here who overcomes each and every day. You give me hope.

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